Thursday, October 29, 2009

What's the Hurry??!!

So I was out looking for a Halloween costume the other day with Mikaela and realized that my baby girl that dressed up like an angel the first Halloween is no more. 

She is becoming a woman and thanks to retailers and MTV it's happening a lot sooner than I ever thought it would.  It doesn't help that she has the body of a 16 year old but I didn't think that at 12 I would have to be so watchful of how adult the clothes she's wearing are.  Thanks to retailers like Abercrombie and Hollister, Mikaela doesn't want to wear jeans unless they adhere to her skin or shorts unless her butt is just covered. 
 I don't blame the retail stores completely.   I do agree that in the end only I can buy the clothes for her, but when that's what most of her classmates are wearing how long can I hold out.  Thanks to TV shows, even Nickelodeon and Disney, we have conversations about getting preganant and STDs again didn't think it would happen so soon.  Don't get me wrong having these conversations with her is OK with me because I'd rather she'd hear the correct answers from me then the answers her friends have, but why soo soon.  I am not even going to get started with the internet, My Space and You tube, that's whole different battle.

Now some of you may saying " Well she just doesn't want to take responsiblilty for looking out for her own kid."  That isn't it at all.  It's just how long can you go with be the strictest mom ever, the cheapest mom ever, or the meanest mom ever.  Mikaela was the last of her friends to wear makeup, the last to shave, and the only one without a $200 Coach purse( something I don't feel bad about at all because why would a 12 year old ever need a $200 purse!). 

I try everyday to make the right decisions so that she has the time to grown into the person that I know she can and should be. 

I just wish that society would stop trying so hard to expose kids to everything that could happen and try harder at letting our kids be kids again, I mean what would it really hurt all of us turned out pretty ok.

Way too soon!!!!  SLOW DOWN!!!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Rich and I were just talking about this yesterday in concerns to Amelia (and she's only 15 months)! It really is a hard spot that our children are put into nowadays, and it's not only the girls either! I think as parents we ultimately have to do what is best for them even if we are the meanest, cheapest, strictest moms EVER. One day, hopefully, they will get it.
